Hanover Lion

According to the Richmond Dispatch, during the early-1890s, a "Hanover lion" was on the loose in the Virginia counties of Henrico and Hanover.

According to the paper, local residents “were in a tumult of excitement and dread” after a “lion or tiger had escaped from a menagerie.”

Frightened locals tracked down and killed the Hanover lion. But examination of its body revealed it was not a lion or a tiger at all. Instead it was “a huge mastiff, a dog not as common in these parts then as now.” Sadly, the mastiff belonged to a “foreign gentleman” visiting the area who had been searching for his beloved dog when locals shot it to death. Understandably, he was outraged that those who killed his canine friend “did not know how to distinguish between a lion and a dog.”

Local papers in the early 1900s referred to this during a rash of sightings of the Dismal Swamp Monster. I discuss this in my new book Strange Tales from Virginia's Foothills to the Coast.

Before I deleted my social media accounts, I mentioned that I am currently living on the road. My wife and I are on the West Coast traveling in our RV. I will not be back in Virginia anytime soon. I am not able to attend events and book signings to promote my new book. So, I am hoping for strong online sales. Thank you in advance for your support!

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