Skunk Ape Sighting

A lady contacted me a few years ago and shared her skunk ape sighting with me. The encounter occurred in 2014 in a county park in Florida. The following is her account with some personal information edited out:

"I'm rather nervous to do this. I never thought I'd tell anyone but one close friend...

"...I often sought the solitude of the local wildlife park to unwind. My favorite walk was to a bivouac camp. It's only marked number three on their maps.

"My son had camped there before and had warned me that wild boar frequented the area. He'd claimed to have found a wallow on his last trip out. When I reached the campsite I knew I made a bad mistake. I could smell the boar. It was horrendous. Then something moved in the palmettos ahead of me. And it stood up. And up. Now mind you this is like 1 pm. Not dark out. No rain clouds.

"I am bad at estimating distance so bear with me. I was driving a Grand Marquis. This thing was about three car lengths away. My god the smell of it. The sun made the hair (?) Look kinda reddish.

"I never understood being so scared you can't move. I used to yell at the stupid horror film actresses for standing there and getting killed. I understand it now.

"It was male because it had no female gender traits but I didn't see it' you know. It had to be 8 ft. Maybe more...

"It just watched me. I could see it breathing. And it walked away toward where the power lines are. It could have easily killed me. It didn't. It wasn't remotely aggressive.

"I am not unhinged. It happened and I feel better for telling you about it.

"...Several months later I got the courage up to camp there again. There was a big fire that night and one man laughed. Apparently one of the park personnel had told him earlier that there had been 11 reports of Bigfoot since February."

If you have a skunk ape sighting (or an encounter with something strange) that you'd like to report, feel free to contact me. Your anonymity is guaranteed.

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