Petrified Giant Human?

Around the turn of the twentieth century, the story of petrified giants in the Grand Canyon went public. Samuel Hubbard visited the Grand Canyon with a guide named William Hull. Hull had told Hubbard of a petrified giant he saw while prospecting in Grand Canyon. An Indian guide led Hull and a partner to a ledge where a petrified giant lay that measured between eighteen and twenty feet in length. Hull took Hubbard to the spot in 1895, and on October 2, 1896, the Los Angeles Times ran article about the affair. I have reprinted the article below: Does anybody believe that there ever has been a race of giants in the world? Does anybody believe that a race of gigantic) men who were from twelve to twenty feet high ever lived in these United States of America? And yet the proof that such a race of people did live in this country is to be found in the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River, in Northern Arizona. This proof consists of, first: Footprints in the red sandstone. Footprints that ...